105 synonimy znalezione w 14 grupach
  1. 1
    Znaczenie: abrupt
    curt insolent brusque rude tactless snotty surly short impudent haughty snooty snippy
  1. 2
    Znaczenie: fat-headed
    inflated arrogant pretentious boastful
    self-important conceited haughty pompous
  2. 3
    Znaczenie: cavalier
    arrogant disdainful supercilious lofty haughty
  3. 4
    Znaczenie: proud
    dignified haughty perky
  4. 5
    Znaczenie: excessively self-confident
    conceited self-satisfied smug
    haughty egotistic self-sufficient
  1. 6
    Znaczenie: arrogant
    proud haughty insolent imperious
    egotistic supercilious overbearing
  2. 7
    Znaczenie: clannish
    close narrow exclusive disdainful
    haughty insular close-knit
  3. 8
    Znaczenie: pompous
    pretentious bombastic histrionic declamatory
    haughty inflated lofty grandiloquent
  4. 9
    Znaczenie: character trait
    egotistical conceited contented self-satisfied vain
    arrogant disdainful haughty proud
  5. 10
    Znaczenie: condescending
    pompous derisive arrogant disrespectful
    opprobrious haughty superior contemptuous
  6. 11
    Znaczenie: excessively polite
    polite mannerly well-behaved well-bred
    affected courteous haughty genteel
  7. 12
    Znaczenie: property
    fat-headed inflated arrogant pretentious boastful
    self-important conceited haughty big
  8. 13
    Znaczenie: close-knit
    close narrow exclusive disdainful
    haughty insular clannish
  9. 14
    Znaczenie: overbearing
    autocratic arbitrary oppressive haughty
    tyrannical stern severe high-handed

Słowa podobne do haughty

haughty Synonimy - Angielski wyrazy spokrewnione z haughty

Synonimy przed i po haughty

  • hastiness
  • hasty
  • hat
  • hatch
  • hatchet
  • hate
  • hateful
  • hatred
  • haughtiness
  • haughty
  • haul
  • haunt
  • haunted
  • haunting
  • have
  • have a good time
  • have a hole
  • have faith in
  • have fun
  • haven