108 synonimy znalezione w 18 grupach
  1. 1
    Znaczenie: away
    from onward out on outward hence out of sight
  1. 2
    Znaczenie: outdoors
    outside in the open outdoor open-air alfresco
    airy out without out-of-doors
  2. 3
    Znaczenie: forward
    out away forth
  3. 4
    Znaczenie: away from
    outward from from within out out of
  4. 5
    Znaczenie: outer
    outside exterior external over
    out from within outward
  1. 6
    Znaczenie: out on bail
    freed released discharged free
    out let go out on bond
  2. 7
    Znaczenie: outdoor
    out outside without outdoors
  3. 8
    Znaczenie: property
    lacking missing wanting without out
  4. 9
    Znaczenie: stop
    accomplished finished ended completely
    totally fulfilled over out
  5. 10
    Znaczenie: position
    distant beyond removed away out
  6. 11
    Znaczenie: state
    unconscious out cold insensible comatose
    senseless insensate out
  7. 12
    Znaczenie: place
    outside external outer extrinsic exposed
    extraneous open out-of-doors out
  8. 13
    Znaczenie: means
    escape excuse way out explanation out
  9. 14
    Znaczenie: part of speech
    away from outward from
    from within out of out
  10. 15
    Znaczenie: outside
    external outer out exposed
    extraneous open out-of-doors extrinsic
  11. 16
    Znaczenie: departure
    away hence onward out
    on outward out of sight from
  12. 17
    Znaczenie: forth
    out forward
  13. 18
    Znaczenie: extinguished
    out put out extinct

Słowa podobne do out

out Synonimy - Angielski wyrazy spokrewnione z out

Synonimy przed i po out

  • ostracism
  • ostracize
  • other
  • otherwise
  • otherworldly
  • otiose
  • ought to
  • ounce
  • oust
  • ousted
  • out
  • out and out
  • out back
  • out cold
  • out front
  • out loud
  • out of
  • out of bounds
  • out of breath
  • out of control
  • out of hand